Normally, Retinol degrades and oxidizes when coming into contact with light, air, or water but this clinical-grade serum is activated fresh for peak potency.
Powderized Retinol is precisely dosed with a patented, precision dispenser and seamlessly activated in your palm with a hyper-moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid. The result? A serum that delivers visible results in 1-2 weeks without irritation.
In clinical testing on this 0.25% pure Retinol (equivalent to a starting prescription Retinoid), subjects screened for sensitive skin had no irritation using the serum every evening with excellent results:
– 97% of subjects had a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles in 1 week.
– 96% of subjects had an increase in firmness in 4 weeks.
– 76% of subjects had an increase in textural smoothness and elasticity in 4 weeks.
*Based on a clinical testing study with measured instrumentation of 29 subjects evaluated with a Visia Image Analysis Pro over 4 weeks.
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